Independent Learning helps Improve our Leadership Skills

Literacy class in round 5, we have started a new theme. The new theme is making the most of your learning, meaning that all students have to make their most in class. For this theme, we are focusing on doing independent work to make students know how to plan their learning better. Example: We all have a sheet of schedule to plan what they are going to do for the day. Do not think that this theme useless or unknowledgeable. Since the day we start this theme our work gets done faster and better because we have more time to do it. But in my opinion, this theme can only include for 1 round each every year, no more than that. Because students won’t be able to learn new stuff if they only do independent work. I love this method because it not only helps us improve our learning skills or turn in work faster, it’s also helping our students to improve leadership skills like integrity and determination.

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