Negative Number is still Important

People mostly use a positive number as their daily use every day. Negative number not being treated as well as a positive number because the Negative number can only use several things. Some people almost forget about the negative number because people think that a negative number is not important at all. A negative number has its own unique and different use for daily life. It’s also important for some uses.

On the number line, a positive number counted to the right of 0 and the negative number counted to the left. But 0 is in the middle does not represent a positive number or a negative number. It depends on the use of it.


The Importance of Negative number

The negative number had played a big role in many purposes but people did not recognize it. The negative number used to describe Temperature like -0 degrees Celsius. Also, it’s used to measure distant like sea level.

Study about negative number helps us to improve on math, especially Positive number.

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